What is the Biblical Definition of Hope

Hello! It’s John and please allow me to say: Welcome & Thank You for Your Interest in the Biblical Definition of Hope to grow your relationship with God!
I am a Licensed and Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a man transformed by the Love, Power, Promises, and Word of God…It’s my mission to share insights into The Way, The Truth, and The Life, so that you may also enjoy the Fruits of the Spirit — Let’s Grow!!!

The Power Of Hope: Anchoring Our Souls In God’s PromisesWhat is the Biblical Definition of Hope - Anchored in God's Promises

To fully grasp the weight of biblical hope, we must look at the original languages of the Bible, and as with any word or verse of scripture in the Bible, context is everything.

  • The Hebrew word for hope is tiqvah (תִּקְוָה). The literal definition is cord (such as a rope), figuratively/contextually it is expectancy or expectation.
  • The Greek word used for hope in the New Testament is elpis (ἐλπίς) which similarly means a confident expectation.

For accurate study of the Hebrew and Greek words of the Bible, I recommend the following books and believe them to be a must-have where deeper Biblical study is concerned:

  • The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
  • Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Coded with Strong’s Concordance Numbers
  • The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew-Greek-English: Coded with Strong’s Concordance Numbers
  • The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Revised and Expanded

These are the primary tools I have utilized (and continue to use), along with prayers for wisdom, guidance, and understanding, to grow my relationship with God to a wonderful, ever-increasing, level. It is my hope they will do the same for you… but back to the topic at hand.

Biblical Hope is a powerful concept. It isn’t just a vague wish for good things to happen. It’s the confident expectation of what God has promised, instead of wishful thinking. Biblically, hope is rooted in God’s steadfast love, faithfulness, and promises.

Romans 15:13 talks about God filling us ‘with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ Biblical Hope is about knowing, deep down, that no matter what, God’s got a bigger, better plan in motion for our lives.

Several other key biblical verses shed light on this special kind of hope. For instance, Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” This highlights that hope isn’t just blind optimism, but a firm assurance, grounded by faith in the promises of God. (click the following link to learn how to build exceptional Faith.)

Jeremiah 29:11 adds another layer of assurance, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’

These scriptures remind us that hope isn’t pie-in-the-sky optimism. It’s solid, grounded, and real because it is based on God’s character; truths, and promises. Relying on this kind of hope can be a lifeline during life’s most intense storms.

Biblical hope isn’t about the probability of good outcomes, it’s about the certainty of God’s character and his goodness and promises. This is starkly contrasted with secular hope primarily based upon wishful thinking —I hope the weather changes, or I hit the lottery, etc.

Jesus as the Embodiment of Our Hope

Image of Jesus facing us with wtih arms and hands stretched out before him in welcome of mankind.We’re tapping into a central theme of the New Testament when we talk about Jesus being our hope. The Bible refers to him in this manner because his life, death, and resurrection, offer a concrete foundation for our expectations and trust.

Several passages in the New Testament frame Jesus in this light. For example, 1 Timothy 1:1 mentions, ‘Christ Jesus our hope,’ and Colossians 1:27 speaks of ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory.’ These verses make it clear that Jesus is the manifestation of hope.

Jesus, himself, declares that he is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Jesus’s role as our hope is profoundly connected to his actions and promises. His life shows us what living in complete trust and surrender to God looks like. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death, paving the way for eternal life for all who believe. His teachings, full of promises about the Kingdom of God, give us a roadmap for hope.

Understanding Jesus as hope becomes even richer when we realize the historical context of the early Church. Early Christians faced severe persecution and hardship. Yet, the message of Jesus as the risen Lord gave them immense hope and courage. This wasn’t just a feel-good message. It was a resilient source of strength and assurance.

Reflecting on the promises of Jesus can be incredibly grounding, especially during tough times. He promised peace (John 14:27), rest for the weary (Matthew 11:28), and eternal life (John 3:16). Keeping these promises in mind can help us navigate life’s challenges knowing that our hope isn’t misplaced.

Practical Implications of Biblical Hope in Everyday Life

Biblical hope isn’t just a theological concept; it has real-world applications that, when applied, transform how we live. This hope shapes our moral decisions, impacts our reactions to life’s ups and downs, and provides a steady assurance in uncertain times.

One of the most direct ways biblical hope influences us is by shaping our character. When we hold onto the promises of God, we cultivate virtues like patience, perseverance, and courage. Romans 5:3-4 tells us that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. So, our hope in God helps form a resilient character that can withstand adversity.

Facing personal trials and tribulations becomes a different experience when viewed through the lens of hope. Instead of seeing challenges as insurmountable, this hope allows us to see them as opportunities for growth and for God to show His faithfulness. James 1:2-3 encourages believers to consider it pure joy whenever they face the trials of life because we know that the testing of our faith produces perseverance.

When facing challenges hope acts like a lighthouse, keeping us steady and focused. When we’re up against despair, hope reminds us of God’s promises – that we’re never alone and there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. This is one of the main reasons we keep going, even when the road’s rough. and seemingly unbearable.

Corrie ten Boom: Survior of Nazi Concentration CampThere are countless stories of hope transforming lives. One powerful example is that of Corrie ten Boom, whose unwavering hope in God sustained her through the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp. Her story is–only–one of many real-life testimonies of how biblical hope can provide incredible strength in the darkest circumstances.

Cultivating and sustaining hope requires practical steps. Regular prayer, reading Scripture, and participating in community worship, can reinforce our connection to God and His promises. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive faith community also helps keep our hope alive, offering encouragement and accountability. Additionally, the Bible informs us in Proverbs 11:14 that there is safety in sharing our problems with others.

Living out biblical hope isn’t about ignoring reality but facing it with grounded trust in God’s promises. This hope doesn’t eliminate problems but gives us the strength and perspective to handle them with grace and faith (follow this link for more on grace and building an unshakeable faith.)

While Faith, Hope, and Love are often mentioned together, they each play distinct roles. Faith is trusting in God’s character and His promises. Love is the action stemming from that faith. Hope? Well, it gives us the vision and assurance that what we’ve got faith in will come to pass. It’s the arrow pointing toward the good that’s yet to come. (Click the following links to learn more about how to build Exceptional Faith and the Biblical Meaning of Love.)

On a personal level, hope has a transformative effect. It reshapes our outlook and positively influences our decisions and actions. On a broader scale, hope affects communities and nations. It’s at the heart of most movements for change, peace, and justice. When people lose hope, everything stalls, but with hope, there’s momentum toward building a better world that others want to join.

Hope and Eternal Peace: The Assurance of Life After Death

Biblical hope extends beyond this life providing a profound peace about our place in eternity. The Bible offers clear teachings on eternal life and resurrection, assuring believers of a future beyond the temporary struggles of our current existence.

Scripture paints a vivid picture of eternal life. In John 11:25-26, Jesus declares, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.’ Such verses form the bedrock of Christian hope for life after death, promising an enduring relationship with God that death cannot sever.

Christian perspectives on life after death revolve around this promise of resurrection and eternal life. Believers hold that death is not an end but a transition to a new existence with God. This hope profoundly changes how we view our lives here and now. It instills a sense of purpose and destiny.

The fear of death can be a significant source of anxiety, but the hope of eternal peace alleviates this. Knowing that there is a promised future with God helps to ease the sting of mortality. It’s not just about expecting an afterlife but about an assurance of a promise of an eternity of complete wholeness and peace in God’s presence.

Practical and communal practices reinforce this hope. Regular participation in sacraments, communal worship, and remembrance through traditions like Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, keep the hope of eternal life at the forefront of believers’ minds. These practices remind us of the larger narrative of faith and the ultimate promise of a future with God.

In times of grief, this hope brings comfort. The promise of eternal peace offers solace to those mourning the loss of loved ones. For the faithful, it assures that separation is temporary and that a joyful, never-ending reunion awaits, in the very presence of God and all that is good.

May God Keep & Bless You & Yours, Always,
Founder of TruthsOfFaith.com

2 thoughts on “What is the Biblical Definition of Hope”

  1. “The Power of Hope: Anchoring Our Souls in God’s Promises” is a fantastic article everyone should read and apply. It beautifully highlights the transformative power of hope and faith, reminding us of the strength we can draw from trusting in God’s promises. This article is an inspiring read that encourages us to stay grounded in hope, even in challenging times, making it a must-read for anyone seeking spiritual encouragement and resilience. Blessings. 

    • What is the Biblical Definition of Hope

      Hello Live Free Team!
      I’m very happy you enjoyed the article on Biblical Hope… Just about everyone I know has been in a spot–and some of us many spots–where whatever we face seemed impossible to handle, carry through, or even to just keep putting one foot in front of the other to try to move forward past whatever it is we face.

      Words like, “I am sorry for your loss,” or “This, too, shall pass,” are delivered with sincerity and grounded in truth, but they sure feel like platitudes when given in our darkest days… Without a working relationship with God; without a deep faith in God, without Hope in God, this world is as hard and heartless as a box of rocks.

      In my own life, It is the joy of my salvation and the expectancy of God keeping his promises, coupled with knowledge of what those promises are (the Written Word), that has seen me through times as dark as a black hole in space…

      It’s the repetitive proof that God honors and keeps his promises, in my own life, that has prevented my heart from turning just as dark and cold as that black hole in space.

      Truly, God has worked miracles in my life as great, or maybe even greater, than the parting of the Red Sea!

      I once was lost, but now I am found and my HOPE springs eternal!

      For a deeper look at other topics, please follow the following links: Building & Strengthing your FaithForgivenessGraceLoveHope, and Wisdom.

      May God Bless & Keep You and Yours, Always,
      Founder of TruthsOfFaith.com



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