How Do I Know The Will Of God In My Life

Hello! It’s John and please allow me to say: Welcome & Thank You for Your Interest in How Do I Know The Will Of God In My Life for growing your relationship with God!
I am a Licensed and Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a man transformed by the Love, Power, Promises, and Word of God…It’s my mission to share insights into The Way, The Truth, and The Life, so that you may also enjoy the Fruits of the Spirit — Let’s Grow!!!


Thanks for your interest in discovering the Will of God for your life.

We all tend to look past the blessings we already have, to focus on the troubles we are in or may be headed for.

That, alone, tends to cause us to doubt that God is present with us, even though we know there is no time–and no place–in our lives when he is not…

I believe it is one of the fundamental reasons that the Will of God for every life is that we thank him in all circumstances… People still trying to figure out the Will of God for their lives need only read 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Thanking God for the good things in our life is easy-peasy, though we don’t often do it enough. But thanking him during bad circumstances? During the Storms of Life? Well, it’s tough–nearly impossible–at first… Mainly because even when we do remember to thank him amid bad times, we have no gratitude in our hearts and it feels like we are lying to God, even though we are not.

But here is the thing: Romans 8:28 declares that God is working all things to the good and 1Samuel 15:22 guarantees us that obedience is better than sacrifice, while 1 John 2:5-6 informs us that it is through obedience that the love of God is made complete in us

So, thanking God for the terrible circumstances in your life–even when in your confusion you may be angry at God, as Job was–is not only commanded by him but His expressed Will for your life. He will honor this form of obedience more than any sacrifice you could ever make.

When you begin thanking him, especially when you do not understand what he is doing, or why he is not doing what you think he should be doing… Well, you are Just Trusting God when you have every worldly reason not to.

Romans 12:2 is in perfect alignment with this principle. When you change your perspective from focusing on the bad in your life to thanking God, even when you cannot have gratitude in your heart when doing it, you are obeying God. In doing that you are not conforming to the ways of the world, but are enabling God to renew your mind and transform you into a person of strength, character, peace, and love; a more Christlike person.

This is living by supernatural principles, as opposed to our natural inclinations for self-pity and blaming someone else… And THAT is living with Christ as our example and presenting him to the world!

In my own life, when I started thanking him for all circumstances–the bad includedhe began to show me that the bad things that happened grew my strength and wisdom and focus on God and set the example for everyone watching, or knowing, what I was going through.

It is easy to look back and see how those bad circumstances caused me to grow, and sometimes, even to see the positive impact and encouragement that seeing me go through those times with God–instead of blaming him–had on others…

The key takeaway here is that for those wondering, or still waiting for God to show them, what His Will for their lives is; they need not look beyond 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to have it specifically declared for all Christians.

Please understand that your call to service differs from God’s Will for your life. Your calling may change over time, but the Will of God for every Christian remains the same at all times.

The Will of God for Every Christian is Exactly the Same

Understanding God’s Will is essential for every believer, especially regarding how we respond to life’s challenges. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, we are instructed to “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

This is the 3 step process for living in the center of God’s Will. This literal and God-given and commanded process removes the need to ever wonder about what God’s Will for our lives actually is.

  1. We should continually rejoice that God will never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5) and that none can take us out of God’s hand (John 10:28-29).
  2. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6); and Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (Colossians 4:2).
  3. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18 ).

While rejoicing always, and praying continually, are difficult to achieve, giving thanks in all circumstances is perhaps the most difficult thing that Christians are called to do.

Thanks for the bad in my life is anathema to our natures… but remember; we are called to be supernatural and not go the natural way of the world (Romans 12:2).

So, let us look at the hardest of the 3 steps for being in the center of God’s Will.

Give Thanks in All Circumstances

  • The Importance of Thanking God in Both Good and Bad Times: Gratitude during both highs and lows reflects unwavering trust in God’s sovereignty. By thanking God in the good times, we acknowledge His blessings. By thanking him in the bad times, we proclaim our trust in His ultimate plan, even when we don’t understand and cannot see it.
  • Real-Life Examples of Gratitude Transforming Situations: History and personal testimonies abound with examples where people, despite hardship, chose gratitude and witnessed a transformation in their outlook, perspectives, or circumstances.
    Corrie ten Boom, during her time in Nazi concentration camps, thanked God for the fleas—an infestation that, while unpleasant, kept guards from entering and thereby allowed Bible studies to continue uninterrupted.
  • Ways to Practice Gratitude Daily:
    • Start and end the day with a prayer of thanks.
    • Keep a gratitude journal to reflect on God’s faithfulness.
    • Vocalize thanks, even for small blessings.
    • Shift perspective during difficult times by thanking God for the lessons offered and the opportunity to impact others.

Job: A Testament to Faith Amid Suffering

  • Summary of Job’s Story and Trials: Job was a faithful servant of God, yet he faced unimaginable loss—his wealth, family, and health. His three friends kept trying to get him to confess that he had somehow sinned against God, when he had not, and His frustrated, distraught, wife told him to curse God and Die.
    Despite his trials, Job refused to curse God, remaining steadfast in his faith, though he wrestled with understanding his suffering and was, indeed, angry with his circumstances and God.
  • How Job’s Steadfast Faith Inspires People in Bad Times: Job’s perseverance shows us that faith does not exclude us from suffering. It equips us to endure with peace, strength, and confidence. Job’s story encourages believers to remain faithful even when life’s trials are unfair and overwhelming.
  • The Role of Suffering in Strengthening Faith: Suffering forces us to rely on God more deeply. It removes our reliance on material things, and circumstances, drawing us closer to God’s sustaining presence. Job’s trials ultimately deepened his understanding of God and led others, for several thousand years, to strengthen and develop a deeper, more profound relationship with the All-powerful, All-Knowing God.
  • Personal Reflections and Anecdotes on Finding Inspiration from Job: Job’s story reminds us that even when we don’t understand why we’re suffering, we can trust that God does. We may not have all the answers, but we can rely on God’s goodness and His timing to deliver the greatest Kingdom Impact for ourselves and others.

God Understands Our Confusion and Anger

  • We are Made in His Image, God Understands Our Emotions: We are created in the image of God, and that includes the capacity for deep emotions (Genesis 1:26). In Job’s story, we see God as understanding, even compassionate, toward Job’s confusion and frustration. God does not condemn Job for his questions but responds instead, with a deeper revelation of his nature.
  • Even when circumstances seem bleak, God is busy orchestrating a bigger plan for our ultimate good. He understands our doubts and fears. Trusting this truth helps us remain grounded during life’s storms.

All Things Work Together for Good

  • Trusting God’s Plan in Difficult Seasons: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
  • Understanding Suffering Through the Lens of 2 Peter 3:8-9: Peter reminds us that God’s timing does not track ours. What may seem like delay or confusion to us is, in fact, God’s patience and perfect timing. God, in our suffering, may be working on something beyond our immediate comprehension. It may be for our own life; it may be for the lives of others.
  • The Power of Seeing the Bigger Picture in Tough Times: Sometimes it’s only after we’ve endured suffering that we can see the greater good that resulted. This perspective helps us trust God even when the reasons for our struggles are not clear.
  • Examples of People Whose Suffering Led to Greater Good: Joni Eareckson Tada, paralyzed from a diving accident, has used her experience to inspire and encourage others worldwide. From wanting to die to living with purpose; God turned what seemed like a tragedy into a powerful testimony of God’s grace and the strength he provides in weakness.

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

  • Obedience as an Act of Faith: In 1 Samuel 15:22 Samuel’s words to Saul remind us that God values our obedience more than our sacrifices. Obedience is an act of faith and trust in God’s Will; especially when it’s hard to understand or follow.
  • 1 John 2:5-6 – Complete Love Through Obedience: But if anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them. Obedience is the pathway to growing in love and maturity in Christ. It aligns our hearts with God’s Will and enables us to live out His commands. Please note that scripture does not say grateful obedience.
  • Jesus is not impressed with those things that are easy for us; loving those who love us and doing good for those who do good to us. He instructs us to love our enemies if we want his rewards (Luke 6:32-35). This is perfectly in line with thanking God during difficult times.
  • Thanking God Amid Life’s Storms: When life is chaotic, obedience is a form of worship. In choosing to follow God’s Will and thanking him even in the storms of our lives, we demonstrate our trust in His divine purpose(s).
  • The Significance of Obedience When Understanding God’s Will: Obedience opens the door to deeper understanding. As we obey God’s Will, we grow in the ability to discern His direction for our lives and his calling upon it.

Conclusion: Distinguishing Between God’s Will and His Call to Service

  • God’s Will vs. Individual Calling: Every Christian is instructed by God to live in God’s Will through obedience, trust, and thankfulness.
  • Our calling—our unique service(s) or role in God’s kingdom purposes—may vary, but it always builds upon the foundational understanding of God’s Will.
  • Summary of Gratitude, Obedience, and Trust in God’s Plan: Thankfulness, faithful obedience, and trust, form the core of living in God’s Will. These principles apply whether we are navigating blessings or enduring hardships.
  • Personal Takeaways and Actionable Steps:
    • Practice daily gratitude—for the good and the bad things happening in your life.
    • Meditate on scripture to align your heart and understanding with God’s Will.
    • Obeying God’s commands, especially when they challenge you, will bring Kingdom Rewards, and he will strengthen, enwisen, and sustain you on this side of the grave.
  • Encouragement to Seek and Understand God’s Calling in Service: Beyond obedience, each believer has a unique role in serving God. Prayerfully seek out the calling of God upon your life, allowing God’s Will to impact every aspect of your daily existence.

In embracing gratitude, obedience, and trust, we not only align with God’s Will but also position ourselves to understand His purpose for our lives more fully.

Thanks for your interest in growing your relationship with God…

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May God Bless & Keep You & Yours, Always,
Founder of

2 thoughts on “How Do I Know The Will Of God In My Life”

  1. Excellent! Uplifting! Encouraging! I too am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ. I love the way you brought out the everyday will of God. For me it’s not just ‘What is the will of God for my life!’ It’s more of ‘What is the will of God for my life today!’ Each and every day, and each and every circumstance, I go to the Father for guidance and direction through the Holy Spirit who was given to guide us, remind us, and show us His perfect will. Great Post!

    • Hello Walter!

      It is good to hear these words of encouragement, my Brother!

      And I, too, seek and pray for how to serve God and remain in the center of his will, daily… Knowing that God’s Will for me in Christ Jesus is that I Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; provides the direction I need to stay firmly planted in the center of God’s Will, as I go about discerning his calling upon my life: Longterm, short-term, daily, and minute by minute!

      Thanks again for your interest in growing your relationship with God.

      For other in-depth articles and topics, please see the dropdown menus at the top of the Home page of

      May God Bless & Keep You & Yours, Always,
      Founder of


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