About John

A Journey of Faith, Hope, Love, and Transformation

Image of the Fouder of Truths Of Faith

The Long Road to God

Hello, and thank you for your interest.

My name is John and I have been transformed by God, through His renewing of my mind. The paths traveled were long, and filled with pits and stumbling blocks…the road to get here was anything but smooth.

At the age of 17, I was in a horrific car accident that greatly and negatively impacted my life. My skull was broken into four large pieces and pressed downward upon the brain.

I dealt with paralysis of the right side, blackouts, seizures, and severe personality shifts. In addition to these medical issues, my education was far below my age and grade level. In simple terms, I was brain-damaged, undereducated, and not ready for anything other than mere survival.

Recovery was slow. Regaining movement on the right side took years. As I slowly and awkwardly began physically to be able to move, I found myself unable to avoid peer pressure from the wrong sort of crowd. Stubbornness, coupled with brain damage, emotional instability, and the lack of sufficient education, left me ill-equipped to do anything but survive, and often not in the best way.

Throughout the year following the accident, I made bad decisions, after bad decisions. I was a danger to myself and everyone around me. Consequently, at the age of 18, I was locked up for a crime I couldn’t even remember doing, and given a life sentence to be served in the Texas State Prison System.

I spent 35 years, 10 months, and 7 days in continuous incarceration, with many of those years in the most dangerous maximum-security prisons in Texas for those periods. Every second of the darkest days of my life, to say the least, was filled with constant stress and strife; obstacles, mistakes, trials… Survival.

Yet, in that abyss, I found something incredible. My relationship with God blossomed. When I had nowhere else to turn, I turned to God; He kept his promise to deliver me. The deeper I dug into His Word and Spirit, the freer I felt, even behind those iron bars. That’s when the real transformation began.

Finding God Amid Total Darkness

Prison isn’t exactly the place for finding peace or hope, but that’s where I first truly encountered God. When all I had was darkness, fear, frustration, and despair, turning to His Word brought a magnificent new light into my life. It’s surprising how the most confining places can become spaces of freedom when you discover Spiritual truth.

As I started reading the Bible, I felt like I was slowly crawling out of a pit. Verses spoke to me in ways I had never experienced before. I began to understand that my physical confinement didn’t have to equal spiritual confinement. The deeper I dove into the Scriptures, the more I felt a shift happening inside me. God’s wisdom and guidance began to mold me into a better person, one decision at a time.

Surviving in prison wasn’t just about making it through each day. It was also about fighting to keep my faith alive. There were countless nights when I felt despair, but prayer and Bible study helped me push through those moments. My relationship with God became my anchor. It showed me that even in the worst of times, there’s a path to redemption and growth and that, with God, I am never alone.

Years went by, and the change in me was becoming undeniable. Other inmates, some guards, and even some ranking officials started to notice. I began to share my faith and experiences, with all who expressed curiosity concerning the changes God had made in me. Always, I hoped to help others find the same light that had guided me. It was incredibly fulfilling to see how sharing God’s Word could spark hope in those who struggled, and in the Faithful who saw God at Work in the life of someone so undeserving.

Eventually, and against all odds, my time in prison came to an end. But the lessons I learned in the 3½ decades of continuous incarceration, as well as the faith that was built because of it, became the rock-solid foundation for my new life.

I walked out of those prison doors not just as a free man, but as someone spiritually reborn. Finding God in that dark place led me to a freedom that transcended physical walls, and it’s this freedom I wish to share with everyone. You too, can have it — It is the very promise of God.

Sharing Biblical Truths: My Mission and Calling

Life after prison is a journey I never take for granted. On November 19, 2014, I stepped out into the world, not just as a free man but as someone overflowing with a purpose. In the years following my release, I was Licensed and subsequently Ordained as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What a transformation that was from my past life!

One of the greatest joys I’ve found before and after my release has been spreading the Word of God. I have baptized over a hundred people and even had the blessing of going on a mission to Nicaragua. I’ve witnessed, in my own life, and the lives of countless others, just how powerful sharing the Gospel can be… There’s something indescribable about watching others find hope and freedom through faith, just as I did.

What keeps me grounded is the core belief that God’s love isn’t just for a select few — it’s for everyone. My life is evidence that no one is beyond redemption. God’s deliverance is a testament to His immense love, compassion, grace, mercy, and inability to break any of his promises.

I dedicate myself to teaching Biblical truths to anyone willing to listen. Whether you’re dealing with seemingly insurmountable problems, or you are simply in need of a bit of guidance, these truths will be life-changing when applied. They’ve transformed me in ways I couldn’t have dreamed of, and I know they can do the same for you.

The heart of my mission? It’s to show others how to find peace, strength, freedom, and joy, through God’s Word, His Spirit, and His Power. Through experience and Holy Spirit Revelation and Guidance, I can articulate the truths of scripture simply, practically, and easily understandable.

The mission is about sharing with everyone the messages that have guided me through the darkest times to help others escape, or even avoid, the trials, tribulations, anxiety, and despair, of a troubled life. It is also about bringing true, God-given, joy, and a sense of purpose, to the lives of everyone… Life is so much better with God, no matter how good or bad your life is currently; it is better with God

Every day, I strive to be a vessel of God’s love, helping others to be loved and to learn to love. Whether through preaching, personal conversations, or written words, my goal remains the same: Sharing the enduring and powerful truth of God’s Word. It’s my way of giving back, of ensuring that no one feels as lost as I once did.

Thank You for Seeking Knowledge & Understanding for Your Relationship with God,
Founder of TruthsOfFaith.com

2 thoughts on “About John”

  1. Your story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith, hope, and love. You shares your remarkable journey from a life marked by tragedy, incarceration, and despair to one of spiritual awakening and purpose through his deep relationship with God. Your experience illustrates that even in the darkest of places, one can find light and redemption. The narrative is inspiring and demonstrates that no one is beyond the reach of transformation and renewal. A beautifully written account that encourages others to find strength and freedom through faith, no matter the circumstances.

    • About John

      Hello Issac (Great Name By The Way!!!)

      Yes, Sir: My life proves that there is no one who cannot be delivered from whatever they are enduring… Whether the circumstances are of their own doing, or thrust upon them unexpectedly.

      I am very glad you enjoyed it and found inspiration. Light & Redemption and Love & Peace; that’s what everyone is seeking and longing for whether they consciously realize it or not… And only God can provide those things… and the beauty of it is that it is our’s for the asking!!!

      Thanks for your interest in growing your faith in God.

      For a deeper look at other topics, please follow the following links: Building & Strengthing your FaithForgivenessGraceLoveHope, and Wisdom.

      May God Bless  Keep You & Yours, Always,
      Founder of TruthsOfFaith.com


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